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ATW工时填报与考勤相结合办法 The Solution of ATW combining with attendance

8 b4 i' e1 t; I/ Q

Issue: The Solution of ATW combining with attendance

& k9 |( y0 C2 e. W

  A2 O6 }  s7 `' a. X4 s; k
7 O% a; j1 Y' J: D5 ?

Background: ATW systemplays an important role as the basis and measuring standard of company projectmanagement, cost accounting, HR management, and each staff has an obligation tofill in ATW in time.However, recent statistics on working hours and projectcost reveal that failure to fill in attendance form is a serious problem in ATWwhich causes errors in calculating labor cost. In order to prevent such thingsfrom happening and to ensure all staff finish ATW on time, please see followingdetails

( n5 g# [+ X8 K! ^, z. d; m* I

Contents:. f- m8 V. E/ R5 y  D; L; w# d

办法内容:9 f8 ]8 n) b5 N- L3 c! R' M+ c

: g- v4 y4 `3 d$ a4 B( z

1 As basis of recording employee working hours, thecombination of ATW sheet andMonthly Attendance Formdetermines employees monthly salary.

1、# F  S+ d2 [, v% S
ATW工时表为记录员工有效工作时间的依据。ATW工时表与《月度考勤记录表》共同作为员工每月薪资的发放依据。' [& B: ?( K/ o) }/ r, a

* D7 J& ^( r5 Z* `, L

+ I4 m1 X8 j/ H! a2 h- [

2 Staffshould fill in ATW before leaving office every day. It is allowed to fill upafter any urgent business trip or suddenly leaves. Please make sure when youreturn office, fill the time sheet immediately. AllATW must be submitted before the attendance deadline (every month on 2ndday).

# g- d( f9 v; m6 k

3 {+ V  K2 b: Z0 M0 Q0 B
员工应于每天下班前及时填报ATW工时表,公出、出差无法当天填报的,可于返岗后填报,有假况的提前填写ATW工时表,临时假况可于销假后第一时间填报。但所有填写工作必须在考勤截止日(2日)前完成。4 H! w7 I9 q+ L, ?7 `
& t1 Z1 e' w4 S/ n8 W6 q8 f" u3 |* ]6 [

9 ~; f1 K. }+ m: b( _1 ^3 w

3, Projectmanagers should open access for everyone who will join this project, and pleaseupdate resource according the situation. If staff can’t fill in ATW because of PMwho doesn’t open access timely, PM should be responsible for all the consequences.
! @' P0 o0 E* i2 D+ F$ r! M

5 q' l- L1 F* Y; L( q. n5 y0 Y, R

3、" Y6 d, G9 A" _
! T* z1 o( m. H% a

3 U4 N6 e; l* }0 s0 Q, K' `1 w! Y' }

6 [0 g. M0 U" j) }  r2 r

4, Project managers should check weeklyATW on each Friday, and team leaders are supposed to finish check action beforelunch time of next Monday.

* [& Y. F! c1 [. d/ Y  f+ |! e

4、7 `1 C( a) z1 w# o9 }+ }6 ^
1 A2 F9 ^+ `1 x) o6 |
4 v1 a5 c" ]9 E0 L7 T- U" r& ]- z6 M1 K

; W9 i% g- p3 [; j1 U7 \

5, HR department will remind PMthat who don’t fill the ATW and don’t approve through RTX every Friday, andwill send E-mail to PM as the final reminder on 1st day of eachmonth.

# d: N* e% z: d0 C7 H& ?

5、& H, r' }) I9 H1 w! `3 r; ~
人力资源部于每周五通过RTX提醒项目经理未填报工时人员名单及未审核人员名单,每月1日以邮件方式做最后提醒。7 r) S1 Z& I! Z: [* J1 f' f- ^
0 O7 L+ b8 B* j) I4 l4 }

, |5 s$ }; A! Z! r; Y) K* p

6, If staff don’t fill in ATW before the attendancedeadline (every month on 2nd day),or ATW fail to approve, it willlook as invalid fill.
! X; d% [1 K: {2 d+ r- P$ |" X' [" w7 R6 [: X
$ Z% h/ X) q6 k" _+ ]2 n
: K% n: {4 g4 P% Y& n
: d1 Q+ b. ?* {0 `0 }. h1 Y0 _' j8 k
! |( U$ v+ b& e( g! z$ ^; I  r8 M

; q' f! B' u7 [% B3 A5 S4 J5 _4 f" B9 C" V* ~: ~

7, Invalid fill will lead to delay payoff the relevant persons’ salary. As the solution, company will pay off salarywith next month salary together with consolidated tax until finish fill in ATW.
* a8 `9 M5 G; {3 W+ V* c

2 ]$ T, G" p4 @! n

. z# J, S& u- u- @; |
无效填报将导致公司延迟发放相关人员工资,直至完成填报工作,公司将所延迟发放工资与次月工资合并纳税后统一发放。4 O% L3 x- i8 R  K' }  X
. x2 H, B4 f$ t6 ~
. _* q% F$ J  ~, v, S0 Z3 ^: t
2 x, q6 j$ Y2 ]" ~

. _/ K; k; R  g" |) ?& P$ J2 y

) k3 r( Z( U2 u+ [: y  O2 J7 l: F+ K/ y& t
. y; p# p, ^0 r+ p7 v. E8 W1 x

; m9 [3 w$ }" q- E4 f6 t2 u/ h+ z8 A# |% c, l

' c: k+ e/ i" z% E! Q) P5 m
: i8 s! t/ @7 m# Q# B; s9 i0 y1 ], t8 {4 K

% z; A! c/ `- Z, ^, D) k& V8 @+ T+ vThese solutions come into force as thedate of signing up. 1001.jpg 1002.jpg <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a>
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