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标题: ZNA自助售货机贩卖货品调查表Goods Questionnaire for Vending Machine [打印本页]

作者: ykuang    时间: 2012-3-20 10:46     标题: ZNA自助售货机贩卖货品调查表Goods Questionnaire for Vending Machine

Dear all," {: N: D, K# b( a1 E! t6 F
For improve our work day life , our office will have a vending machine in the future. So now we need to know what do you want to have in this machine .You guys please do a favor and write the questionnaire and send it back for me through email or print or put it in folder (folder link: Z:\USER\Kuang Yan\自助售货机调查反馈Reply for vending machine ).
2 ?: K+ _: @7 W5 u- x2 PPlease see the adjunct. Thanks!
: e0 ?" e8 S' E( s# R) i! x. W+ o  I
9 n  h" g* W" Y. j亲爱滴各位同学,! r$ M& D, Z5 x3 R
为了让我们的工作生活变更更加美好和便利,在近期公司将会采购一台自助售货机。届时,大家在公司上班的时间也可以随时享受到自己喜欢的各种饮料和食品呢。同时为了能够更好的为了大家服务,现在我们希望各位能够把你所希望贩售的商品作为一个调查问卷的形式通过邮件或者书面打印出来反馈给我。或者将您填好的问卷存放到下列链接地址的文件夹中(Z:\USER\Kuang Yan\自助售货机调查反馈Reply for vending machine)。
2 K+ j1 L( w& r- R详细的内容请参考附件。谢谢!

附件: 自助售货货品调查表Goods Questionnaire for Vending Machine.docx (2012-3-20 10:46, 9.11 MB) / 下载次数 2158
作者: caochong    时间: 2012-3-20 10:48


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