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标题: 超级星期五来啦! [打印本页]

作者: ych    时间: 2012-4-13 11:27     标题: 超级星期五来啦!

本帖最后由 ych 于 2012-4-13 11:35 编辑
, l- D3 z8 O% r# f0 O& j
5 c8 |; C) _3 i- ?4 H {76767618-D9ED-4EE9-BC7B-4AEE5EE64A6E}.jpg ! t$ f5 C- ]- J: W# Y* t5 a0 F

0 j$ @. `% |- {% [1 W2 K# b演唱会?话剧?音乐剧?……
' F2 t& a7 P' ~0 z8 G& M
在超级星期五面前都是小CASE!& m+ i2 D6 X' r0 b, h
3 U- z) O1 @4 f, l$ f  E  G. b
8 F  M9 z  O7 P* [
0 ]! \! T* K; C# f  J8 d活动细则:每月不定期的周五,通过抽取号码的方式抽出4名左右的幸运儿,奖品是近期的精彩演出门票哦~2 g" Z! X# F" R& ~$ t

: O, l' t% j+ E2 r5 a* \1 M0 [4 `+ o2 `

6 x$ @& N* A5 e& u- L) q
* ?( }% y5 `: g/ ]第一季:, A# T# i0 d& A$ E4 h0 e- H& W
奖品:9 W, U1 d5 K2 _+ L
RTX截图未命名.png $ }2 ^# R3 d7 [7 R

& ~8 Y* h8 w7 l* O4 W张学友北京演唱会门票2
( R. z# @+ d% P& p( [% i$ f( X4 ^: t0 H+ P6 r- }% b, O

3 s) e9 t3 m. ~& H* ]! E% y. v时间:2012年5月6日星期日19:30
/ n- ^! W. ?, a1 [; Q地点:工人体育场  B. W# i7 o% a+ X& d6 z$ B
4 l7 W2 J7 g% w1 a
34684_n.jpg + B, g1 Z7 `' ]
孟京辉经典话剧《恋爱的犀牛》门票2张, H" {: r2 M0 P2 Q2 U
* z" A; ^2 o) ?+ V  D; C4 t
9 w) Q9 B6 Z) V& Y" d! m地点:蜂巢剧场
) W' d8 ^, X$ H5 _9 x; Y4 i

图片附件: RTX截图未命名.png (2012-4-13 11:27, 1.42 MB) / 下载次数 2026

图片附件: {76767618-D9ED-4EE9-BC7B-4AEE5EE64A6E}.jpg (2012-4-13 11:32, 230.75 KB) / 下载次数 2002

图片附件: 34684_n.jpg (2012-4-13 11:32, 29.15 KB) / 下载次数 2012

作者: Medinah    时间: 2012-4-13 16:48

I will explain a little bit for last one.The event name is "Super Friday".
; W' a6 F( j% I: KSuper Friday is a monthly event in which there will be a chance for you to win free tickets to a pop star’s performance, excellent drama, music performance, movie, and many other interesting activities. You will know more about Beijing life after your working time.3 @* z% ?( r0 e
- W# F5 Q- [: `9 x/ H
The winners of the tickets will be the people who pick a number between 1-100 that is or is closest to numbers drawn that follows.
6 j% X2 z) Q1 ]' O* |/ l( Q8 t( [$ u: x, P

6 h. }) C! [7 x/ J% iThe first season of super Friday is today 5:30 @Gym area % T! v9 b) h- O3 [

1 G- b7 k) s. n: SJack cheung’s performance, May6th, Gongti stadium) w; ~/ x# a- E& z. H, @& R

! V0 s. |6 e4 T$ K0 A. f# l0 U2 o2 [) ^
Drama directed by Meng jinghui
, s8 ]2 c! m& N/ e9 G2 ENamed “Rhinoceros falling in love” May 18th Fengchao theatre
. E5 l: g6 p& m) W! N' K1 C
' N/ M# q& U4 o3 t8 YCome on, join us.“Super Friday”is coming

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