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标题: 2013 Spring Festival holiday confirmation 2013春节放假安排通知 [打印本页]

作者: wdlin    时间: 2013-1-18 17:23     标题: 2013 Spring Festival holiday confirmation 2013春节放假安排通知

8 }' [; i) M) e$ v& e8 j! Z+ g' c

2013 Spring Festival holiday confirmation

为方便大家回家探亲,公司对春节放假做统一安排:2月6日(星期三)下午5点下班,春节假期开始。2月18日(星期一)假期结束全员上班,具体放假安排如下:8 e9 n2 Z) c# n$ E2 d

( i" m# b  g0 S1 F/ \2月3日(星期日)、2月23日(星期六)改为工作日,全员调休至2月7、8日两日。2月16、17日全员统一休年假,2012年年假尚有剩余的扣减剩余年假,年假已休完的预支2013年年假。, h4 A# M1 Q- E. a$ |5 G

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3 X/ R0 w' G4 Q5 s8 v$ U

Confirmation ofoffice closure and working days, covering the Spring Festival holiday period, (a total of 11 days holiday) ;

( p% E  ^: ~; G! p7 s$ C1 [- ?

The officewill close at 5:00PM on Wednesday 6th February 2013.

The officewill reopen on Monday 18th February 2013.

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  g; R3 r; _2 h8 n2 @: D, ?6 }# M

A)" D, _8 {3 q* b5 W6 U. Q
Sunday 3rd February 2013 and Saturday23rd February 2013 will be normal working $ t3 |* y( h: @
days. These are to cover two days of holiday in addition to the governmentholidays, (Thursday 7 th and Friday 8th ).

5 w: u; d& a/ c& i+ n

B)7 ~. ], j" Y" R
Saturday 16th February and Sunday 17thFebruary will be taken as annual " N$ r" m! `5 N

* \" F5 r7 V. [8 w6 X9 ~

% a! O/ E# [! nFor those members of staff who do not havethe necessary two days annual leave, ( m" T) Y6 R6 I1 i+ i0 P; L
identifiedin (B) above, those days will be taken from any future annual leave
# Y2 Z6 t$ y0 w( E: `- eentitlement you may have.1 f" _' x" E- q7 q$ Q0 ]

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泽碧克(北京)建筑设计咨询有限公司$ y$ S9 U& S. O


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2013 Spring Festival holiday confirmation 2013春节放假安排通知.docx (137.38 KB)

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图片附件: JQ.jpg (2013-1-18 17:23, 120.93 KB) / 下载次数 2110

附件: 2013 Spring Festival holiday confirmation 2013春节放假安排通知.docx (2013-1-18 17:23, 137.38 KB) / 下载次数 2606

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