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what effect does grapefruit juice have on viagra  I think this is less about partisan US politics, when viewed from a global perspective, than it is about the arrows that Apple’s success and prominence attract from anyone with an agenda, an axe to grind or a point to make, be they the Chinese, the Americans, the Europeans, labour, environmentalists, or the fans of the competition. The US DOJ, following hard on the heels of their congressional colleagues (in both parties, permit me to repeat), is just one of the latest to strike a blow at what they perceive to be wrong with an industry that they believe to be in need of fixing (agree with them or not), using Apple as their whipping post. A very public and visible whipping post, to be sure. In global economic prosperity and a booming economy, sadly not the case anywhere on the planet - even in far away China, none of these people would have much time for such posturing, but they have a mandate to make things better than they are, and are willing to burn down the house to do so. Scapegoats must be found, and sacrificed on the alter of the prosperity gods. If they are appeased, prosperity might be restored to earth.
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