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# v6 u$ ~  N+ m2 K8 X
; `3 f4 H6 ~* l) h. `( L* ?因近期在国内访问国外godaddy的企业邮箱时经常出现异常,严重影响大家的日常工作,公司决定把邮件服务器迁移到国内的新浪。根据初步决定,于201236日(下周二)进行迁移,耗时1-2天。若下星期事有变故,我会及时通知大家。迁移前的这段时间需要大家把各自的邮件下载到本地计算机上,具体方法是,只需在上班时间将outlook打开即可。.
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综合部IT 李鸿生

5 q6 {; x2 b% \* c- s8 z9 i % N7 t0 X- D$ q* v$ @6 a6 G1 q

6 h2 q7 {3 ^! D( u0 V2 N5 J
3 u( ~; Y' l7 O8 L' y4 v# e  U5 U& J+ J8 u8 ~
Dear all,' ^$ o: X' Z/ \1 o
Because of the unusual situation for the E-mail, it is seriously influence the daily work in our office, after the discussion, it needs to do the migration mail server to Sina China. According to the preliminary decision, the migration process will begin from March 6th (Tuesday) to March 7th (Wednesday).& ^8 U2 |3 ?$ N8 {3 p

+ T9 R2 r- ~" s5 }# F! CWe will notice you immediately if the schedule is changed. The way you should do for saving your E-mail information is to maintain your outlook on the opening status.
8 X+ f" `3 c. F: l  c. v/ }2 C2 s0 p6 z) N! ]+ y# U
Thank you for your support!3 |) U$ b; Q! S

  {( y( U  A9 ?
8 R9 y. k$ H  Z+ u- n9 s8 CIT
* {$ M" n  X0 E* X  a4 r/ }) ~" g9 L: pHongsheng Li
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