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6 @9 X2 ]8 D! P8 c* Z/ B6 \World Class Bollywood Museum at Film City, Mumbai.+ D! j& M* W( |  f: J2 N
On this spectacular and strategically placed site at very door to Film City and Bollywood itself, the approach to the museum reveals terraced pools of water leading toward a set of curved filmstrips that seem to float over a light-filled, poetic complex. It is a site and building built as a metaphor for the structure of Bollywood films themselves.
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7 q, S6 V& g& ~5 u; a: {2 v4 NWe propose a campus of buildings that are light, airy, colorful, grand, dramatic, refreshing, and full of motion——a destination where visitors can spend an entire day exploring and learning about Bollywood filmmaking.3 i8 {9 _% ~( ~, i& a

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