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Design Sharing --001

本帖最后由 ych 于 2012-4-10 12:43 编辑 . w' [) A7 J" d, t

: X* ]9 S2 ]5 p/ t. D( k0 c# T, X8 yDesign Sharing; K4 j' H0 H. r  Y
" U8 Y2 q. N7 U- Q
Design Sharing是由建筑二组(即林海组)全体建筑师共同发起组织的建筑设计分享系列,每周都会由一位建筑师编写,分享一些优秀的事务所、建筑师作品。
" i8 ~: p9 m* Q, g8 {4 h$ X8 g- M( Y$ V

4 i' N( I" l4 d% I2 e$ D, v) N! ^9 ]2 D1 I
" V1 n8 y  w0 f( h, i! [" c! V
Design Sharing 001
, [! Z. M) \" C% J6 w6 ~" S! B8 E6 uEdit by Hai Lin+ Q, H7 f; @" v6 v6 {

4 [+ c1 i- i2 g"Guys,
9 E& b( z6 \% o( R- |( APlease see the following, as the Design Sharing, 001 released. I had this one for a long time, sorry for delay. Our team will release each week. One by one.8 F  @/ J- K/ w9 J& d
Who will be the next? Let me know J"

--Hai Lin

; d$ U" n( F& h) a9 s5 t001-UN Studio office @ Shanghai; p: U; k& n. x  ^
image008.jpg $ }& d5 i$ ?, g* }& r. b- z
8 u1 N. Z' y# _7 T9 }* x

& Q4 k$ a5 G' \( |; |% \  v# n杭州来福士幕墙样品 Hangzhou Raffles City curtain wall material samples
5 A9 F; {$ \! j image001.jpg 5 W0 a( Q- U# v, F, j# S$ y9 K2 b9 q
7 Q( g) G7 g2 i$ L
/ e* y/ Q, P. R7 X
他们做工作模型。Working sketch model. |* `# E: d+ l
$ P+ k- b8 d' S0 y, o" h# m6 v1 P3 f: [! C: h+ r

1 R, R- D7 m7 f9 F" u: A# B这是来福士的大比例模型。一个在上海,一个阿姆斯特丹,同步进行。This is 1:200 scale physical model, there is a same scale model in Amsterdam office for study on same stage.0 y- `7 \/ Z' I- o& j9 j
image003.jpg 9 B" V- p$ O& A, t+ B

  w# D$ l- L1 O image004.jpg / D6 h1 y4 Q+ B- f) O, f
3 t& u8 [! o7 X* M' o! d# ]9 z
' S8 r: ^" ?  r. N
工作模型的目的是边干边改。 Working model is helping for study.7 T; g8 Q) M( z  ?" j9 A! N
0 a6 |- D  g1 p% Y5 v& J: }8 _3 `8 z/ H! e/ P2 W$ l
4 M9 @+ _# }" t2 {: Z+ e6 D3 f
外墙从铝板到Alucobond, 他们做了大量的尝试。For the exterior wall material, UN Studio made several rounds testing, from Aluminum to Alucobond.
/ h" N! _8 \3 K  `' i( c image012.jpg
3 `4 z+ |7 S2 K( W, P
/ ?' C$ T- ]% F& W在材料的尝试和研究上,他们非常认真和下功夫。
3 F9 x/ P2 u$ z7 J* ]( N, V, k6 Y. NThey paid a lot of time on the material study.

, m5 \- R2 W; M8 t+ t/ `5 s' F9 O% O5 {# ?* @" W
他们在幕墙公司招标以前就请二家公司做大型的mockup. 不仅考验厂家,也是优化设计。
9 g- }+ r  \1 z0 @* t! n. Q; xBefore the tender stage, two rounds curtain wall mock up were done by two different curtain wall manufactures. First, the mock up will help architects to define the design; Second, help the client to test the quality of manufacture. The developer is Capitaland in Singapore.

+ h  b% q; d3 f3 ^" M' C% f
; M2 o6 k& I1 i2 o+ s- JUN stuido 已经中标SOHO上海的曹家渡和四平路项目。
1 ]: s# [: F: V' \5 G2 ]UN Studio won the competition, the project is SOHO China project in Shanghai.8 o' k0 w' t# G' F' z

% ]3 f2 n* ]- J7 }% H$ r
" F* c0 m0 \& z0 }下期预告) r7 }- }/ V/ L" @3 a
coming soon...  p$ a  M. f# g- J0 r5 S! w

' U6 E# {* z3 ?: \) h
赫尔佐格.德梅隆事务所,瑞士巴塞尔1 ?4 K, V: K3 U; a" P2 J
Herzog & De Meuron Office, Basel, Switzerland
; P; s3 _; C/ s# o
1 v% U- Z$ E: c! \, [  ^
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