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New staff join us,welcome to ZNA. 添新丁了

本帖最后由 cyliu 于 2013-5-17 17:58 编辑 1 e( ~. m% n) V9 L

4 c$ Z4 a! p+ R9 I: g- ~大家好,我是王迪,很高兴加入ZNA大家庭,希望大家多多关照 Hello,I am Wangdi.I`m glad to be a newcomer working in ZNA,and happy to make friend with you.
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大家好,我是陈超,来自北林。很高兴认识大家,请大家多多指教1 w# @' m. T. a2 A8 I. Z
Hi everyone  I am Chenchao , graduate from BJFU , Nice to meet you all and any suggestion is appreciated.) r  Q& \# j- U8 s" a
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