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AIM Competition Exhibition(Sep.28-Oct.6)

本帖最后由 jwei 于 2012-9-27 11:33 编辑 # k. R: c9 ~+ L* n9 S* Y

$ `, k2 z' A, m1 g4 R  [- W大家好,十一期间(9.28-10.6)北京国际设计周将有一系列活动,其中AIM竞赛也会亮相,欢迎大家前来捧场!先一睹我们的场地!
# _5 J2 J( [% q$ @5 G, z3 qDear all,AIM competition exhibition will be held in Beijing Design week Sep.28-Oct.6, welcome to see,and you could join in others' activities.
* n+ v9 V6 Y- p. y  J5 J; z* w
3 {& b- U: e- `( z6 G% @& {; ZAIM国际建筑设计竞赛作品展:) ?2 E! B1 m) e* J6 x0 B& H3 Q
时间:9月28日-10月6日 10:00-18:00
6 y( @1 z' h3 b地点:751D·PARK北京时尚设计广场L楼一层9 y# l, }3 X- R/ D+ G" s
9 E. d  G+ H! |
AIM Competition Exhibition
  e! z$ n) z2 [# D# c9 BTime:Sep.28-Oct.6 10:00-18:00; G. v( I9 b' I/ h) \1 f
Venue:751D·Park Building L 1F3 p$ O( e' p& D0 U; z2 W& L/ W

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7 z5 ]# Y) V8 ? SAM_0081.JPG : U/ D% f, x; n" d1 f
SAM_0062.JPG % P0 E  k. F5 ^' o+ M
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