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本帖最后由 wdlin 于 2013-1-23 17:56 编辑 + J9 a8 _3 p2 R, u8 E/ s
8 W7 C6 h% D. J4 F$ `
职位职能:  建筑设计师  建筑工程师(Architect)
$ z8 {+ a# U; [6 `岗位职责:
9 d# y( s2 C/ T1、独立完成绘图任务;
8 e+ P$ E# A9 y% a, C" s2、协助项目经理或高层领导进行辅助设计; % @2 Q6 u- |9 |, D/ Z" F
3、有较强的设计能力,能带领助理设计师独立完成项目中的设计任务; ) A5 \- p2 t, D
4、完成项目相关的分析和调研; " p9 C/ }+ f+ W! z  t  y  a
5、完成项目相关的数据整理分析,汇报设计计算,以及相应的计划和渲染表现任务; & ?; g" {8 V2 n" o! B$ x
( L: I* ~" Z* S. v/ [7、参加公司现有的项目或潜在项目的内部及外部会议; ; }4 j* ^2 x* [. V
8、提供任何额外方式的支持,协助保证项目的顺利进行。 0 z9 J' l& Y6 n7 F8 t" m

4 \& t: J6 C; h4 H: t任职资格:
* x- b6 ?; g. l/ t& {/ y1、本科及以上学历,建筑专业,3-5年本专业工作经验; . i- O' Y  Z0 \/ o& e2 j" s
2、具有典型代表性的优秀作品履历; " {! ^1 Z$ ^" S" `
3、具有方案设计能力、较强的审美及平面设计技巧; % E4 \/ i" ^7 ^2 F% y
4、熟练掌握AutoCAD、Adobe 等设计类软件,及Office 系列软件;
0 ^5 K4 `; Z: O7 N# C, o5、熟练运用至少一种三维模型软件,如3DS MAX , Sketch-up或Rhino 等;
* X+ w4 u" o% `4 r. R4 l& F6、工作严谨,关注细节;
4 d' J- b* }( j; P7、具有较强的组织协调能力。 9 H7 e- ]5 @' i, {2 o0 R  |+ ^' H
- c% m5 n6 H1 N+ `* K, o
( 注:邮件主题为“本人姓名+应聘职位”,请随附作品。) ; b7 s# }, b3 j* C' J" z9 P- f: A" y+ }7 J

6 n! K1 q; P- E6 u( QResponsibilities: 6 Y/ i' |: B" Z( ]) n6 i* u' \
1.Independently complete drafting assignments.
2 ^) \1 M, \, U2.Assist project manager or senior level staff in developing a design strategy. # |) y% z. W- ^, m: s# J
3.Strong design ability to lead assistant designers to complete the design tasks of the project independently. 9 i1 }9 h& t8 N  u( B' I) t0 w9 z
4.Conduct research and analysis as needed for a project. 0 ?( S/ O( n6 D- Q
5.Compile data, perform design computations, and prepare plans and renderings.
. K; C  x; c8 B8 D* ?6.Assist in the preparation of construction documentation and the production of models, marketing material, and presentation packages for public/private review.
  |' m+ c6 m4 {0 I0 o% C7.Attend meetings both inside and outside the firm pertaining to existing and potential projects.
1 R- i. D6 k) m8.Provide additional support to ensure smooth execution of projects.
$ ^  M* W  t3 s7 _0 N! g3 c5 D& {  {# J1 b+ E, c( S
Requirements: : O. ~' \' \1 |, x: t. S- M9 z
1.Bachelor’s degree in Architecture and 3-5 years of work experience in the field or in a related area. ; {( Y4 d* V8 p
2.Promising portfolio of built work which demonstrates technical capabilities. 4 j( m& ~) \6 R1 ^& ]
3.Excellent conceptual design and graphic skills.
: F' k2 _; g) B. |) v4.Proficiency in AutoCAD, Adobe Creative Suite software packages and Microsoft Office.
7 R! h5 h' B$ `: H6 m5.Experienced in working with 3DS MAX , Sketch-up or Rhino.
2 C1 \5 ?/ {8 f) C9 W4 R9 e5 p6.Rigorous attention to detail work.
% |# S# |( |  U7.Excellent organizational skills.
3 n+ Y1 g, [$ B& L" e  }/ F5 I/ m4 C5 i

) T1 u4 l" M" l+ h1 }推荐流程 参见:内部推荐奖励制度
; F4 I: x* t; k! ^  d+ ?* I( A0 B5 W, X8 V, E. X; D

) T8 O8 B/ M. ^( u' S0 B
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